Portrait AS Nursing Economics
General Declaration
We consider Economics as a scientific discipline and a social factor that influences health states of individuals and groups, as well as nursing practice and nursing science.
We understand Nursing in this context as professional activities to promote, restore and maintain health of individuals, groups, and societies as we focus in our work on the individual and the social context.
We are considering Nursing Economics as an evolving scientific field in knowledge production about effectiveness of present and future health services and resources and their efficient distribution and utilization.
In nursing a variety of key performance indicators for outcome measurements are available. Most of them lack a valid scientific base and are often used in an inconsistent manner. Nursing Science is still searching to define and measure nursing outcomes. In consequence we aim to identify and publish key indicators to monitor Nursing or Health Care Delivery Quality in an appropriate format to positively influence health outcomes.
Nursing Economics is referring to the „real world“, and we aim to make this real world more transparent and accessible for academic, professional and social reflection. This shall enhance nursing performance in all nursing settings on the continuum of care.
Our main goal is to bring forward knowledge production and application of Nursing Economics in practice and science. As ASNE, we strive for national leadership in this field over time and to become a board of reference in the intersections of health, economics, and nursing.
The focus in our thinking and in our activities is the meta-perspective (society) without ignoring the meso- or micro-perspectives. This mission cannot be achieved by a single group. Therefore, we focus on networking within the nursing community from the beginning. Shared goals, programs and community building actions are all part of a culture we want to promote. This will include elements such as a debate culture, collective learning, collaborative decision making and continuous evolution, also by creating alternatives to the Status Quo.
The products projected through actions or processes by ASNE are amongst others, articles, studies, webinars, workshops, position papers and conferences.
This text will guide us in strategic thinking and support the decision-making process in our field of expertise.