About us

The AS Women's Health deals with the care and nursing of women and their relatives in different life and disease phases and transitions, which can be physiologically as well as pathophysiologically caused.

Our focus is on the following topics:

  • Non-oncological gynaecological diseases. This includes the care, support and education of women with endometriosis, cysts, fibroids etc. and their relatives.
  • Care of couples who are in the process of fertility treatment (support in the process which can cause serious psychological and physical stress situations). In this context, we would also like to study the new methods of reproductive medicine (e.g. preimplantation diagnostics) in order to be able to support couples appropriately and, if necessary, make recommendations for care. This topic also includes aspects of ethical decision-making.
  • Also in the field of gynaecological endocrinology, the needs of women dealing with menopause should be investigated. Here, patient education plays a central role in order to be able to provide women with care that meets their needs.
  • Support and care of women and their relatives after intrauterine death or abortion. Conflict counselling, grief counselling and ethical decision-making are particularly important here.
  • Prevention and education in dealing with sexually transmitted diseases (HPV, HIV, herpes, chlamydia, etc.).
  • Support and care of women with malformations of the breast and genital organs. This includes good education with regard to the various aids (breast prosthesis) and offerings (self-help groups). Dealing with transsexual persons in acute hospital (pre-/peri-/post-operative phase) settings.
  • Support and care of women with urological-gynaecological complaints, such as sedimentation problems or urinary incontinence, and their relatives. This includes good education with regard to the various aids (incontinence material) and offerings (physiotherapy, bladder training).
  • Support and care of women with benign and/or malignant tumours of the breast and genital organs and their relatives. Although this is not the main focus of the AS, the topic is listed here as some members specialise in this field. We could imagine and would welcome close cooperation with other ASs, such as Oncology Nursing.
  • Care and counselling of women and their relatives to clarify the risk of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome (women with gene mutations). The focus here is on patient education and the counselling of relatives.



Bernet Madeleine, MScN, Berner Fachhochschule Gesundheit,

Co-Präsidentin AFG Frauengesundheit


Barandun-Lauk Lotti, MScN , Luzerner Kantonsspital,

Co-Präsidentin AFG Frauengesundheit



Bührer Rosmarie, MScN


Gafner Dinah, MScN, Frauenklinik Inselspital Bern


Gassmann Catherine, MScN, OST - Ostschweizer Fachhochschule, Spitex Basel


Klanke Christina, MA, MPH, Frauenklinik Universitätsspital Basel

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Dr. phil. Kobleder Andrea, OST – Ostschweizer Fachhochschule


Meier Käppeli Barbara, MScN,Universitätsspital Zürich


Mayer Pia, MScN Cand., Stadtspital Waid und Triemli Zürich


Studer Stephanie, MScN