Projects and Commitments
Suzanne Dhaini new Co-President
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Suzanne Dhaini has been elected as the new Co-President. She will take over from Dr. Chantal Grandjean from 2024, who has been very committed to AFG Paediatrics over the past three years. Dear Chantal, thank you very much for all your work for our group!
Dr. Suzanne Dhaini is the Head of Clinical Nursing Science at the University Children's Hospital Zurich and will lead the AFG Paediatrics together with Dr. Veronika Waldboth.
Last year, Katrin Marfurt, nursing expert MScN at the Eastern Switzerland Children's Hospital, led the AFG ad interim together with Veronika Waldboth due to a maternity leave. Many thanks to you too, dear Katrin, for your engagement!
Impressionen vom Juni Meeting...
The Academic Society Pediatric Nursing has elected a new co-president
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Veronika Waldboth was elected as the new Co-President of the Academic Society Pediatric Care, along with current Co-President Chantal Grandjean. She will take over from Dr. Karin Zimmermann in January 2021
Dr. Karin Zimmermann has been very committed as Co-President of the Academic Society Pediatric Care for the past five years and has now resigned. We would like to take this opportunity to thank her for her valuable work for the association!
Dr. Veronika Waldboth is head of development and pedagogics of the MScN, lecturer and nursing scientist at Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) in Winterthur. She is a VFP/APSI member for several years and joined the Academic Society Pediatric Nursing as an active member in 2019. Among her research interests are neuromuscular diseases, adolescence and transitions, family systems care, and advanced practice roles. We wish Veronika a great start as co-president of the Academic Society Pediatric Nursing !
Chantal has successfully passed her PhD mid-thesis examination. Congratulations, Chantal!
The AFG Paediatric Nursing meets at the women's strike in Zurich.
Annual reports
Research and Practice Development
Under the heading "Research Register" we have listed all research projects of AFG Paediatric Members.
Under the heading "Publication" we have listed all AFG Paediatric Care member's publications of the last three years.
Peer reviewed 2020
Ramelet AS, Bergstraesser E, Grandjean C, Dorsaz A, Farhrni-Nater P, Cignacco E, Zimmermann, K. Comparison of end-of-life care practices between children and neonates dying in an intensive care unit versus non-intensive care units: A substudy of the Paediatric End-of-LIfe CAre Needs in Switzerland (PELICAN) project. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. 2020. In Press. |
Balice-Bourgois C, Newman CJ, Simonetti GD, Zumstein-Shaha M. (2020) A complex interprofessional intervention to improve the management of painful procedures in neonates. Paediatric and Neonatal Pain. 2020:1-11. |
Balice-Bourgois C, Zumstein-Shaha M, Vanoni F, Jaques C, Newman CJ, Simonetti GD.(2020) A Systematic Review of Clinical Practice Guidelines for Acute Procedural Pain on Neonates. Clin J Pain. 2020.(Epub ahead of print) |
Peer reviewed 2019
Zwissig M, Rio Marques L, Roth-Kleiner M, Ramelet AS. Measurement of stress in stable neonates during ambulance transportation: a feasibility study. Australian Critical Care 2019, 32(1):28-33. |
Adler, K., Salanterä, S., Zumstein-Shaha, M. (2019). Focus Group Interviews in Child, Youth and Parent Research: An Integrative Literature Review. The International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 2019; 18: 1-15 |
Belle FN, Wenke-Zobler J, Cignacco E, Spycher BD, Ammann RA, Kuehni CE, Zimmermann, K. (2019). Overweight in childhood cancer patients at diagnosis and throughout therapy: A multicentre cohort study. Clin Nutr. 2019;38(2):835-41. |
Peer reviewed 2018
Zimmermann K, Cignacco E, Engberg S, Ramelet AS, von der Weid N, Eskola K, et al. Patterns of paediatric end-of-life care: a chart review across different care settings in Switzerland. BMC Pediatr. 2018;18 |
Davies K, Bulsara M, Ramelet AS, Monterosso L. Content validity testing of the ESAT©: A decision aid tool for performing endotracheal suction in children. Australian Critical Care. 2018;31 (1):23-30. |
Zoni S, Verga ML, Hauschild M, Aquarone-Vaucher M-P, Gyuriga T, Ramelet A-S, et al. Patient perspectives on nurse-led consultations within a pilot structured transition program for young adults moving from an academic tertiary setting to community-based type 1 diabetes care. Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 2018;38:99-105. |
Belle FN, Weiss A, Schindler M, Goutaki M, Bochud M, Zimmermann K, et al. (2018). Overweight in childhood cancer survivors: the Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2018;107(1):3-11. |
Ramelet AS, Grandjean C. Prise en charge globale de la douleur chez l'enfant. Approche globale du confort aux soins intensifs pédiatriques. Soins Infirmiers. 2018;08:70-1. |
Brooks, S., Eckerli-Wäspi, I., Händler-Schuster, D. (2018). Das Kind mit einer Hörbeeinträchtigung im Spital: wie Eltern die Kommunikation zwischen Pflegenden und ihrem Kind erleben. Pflege, 31(2), S. 63-73. DOI 10.1024/1012-5302/a000603 |
Ramelet AS, Aitken LM. Patient comfort during critical illness special issue. Australian critical care : official journal of the Confederation of Australian Critical Care Nurses. 2018;31(3):143-4. |
Peer reviewed 2017
Seliner, B., Latal, B., & Spirig, R (2017) Effectiveness of a nurse-led preadmission intervention for parents of children with pro-found multiple disabilities undergoing hip joint surgery: A quasi-experimental pilot study. J Spec Pediatr Nurs, 22(3). |
Bergstrasser, E., Cignacco, E., & Luck, P. (2017). Health care Professionals' Experiences and Needs When Delivering End-of-Life Care to Children: A Qualitative Study. Palliat Care, 10. |
Eskola, K., Bergstraesser, E., Zimmermann, K., Cignacco, E. (2017). Maintaining family life balance while facing a child’s imminent death – a mixed methods study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73 (10), 2462-2472. |
Ramelet A. S., Fonjallaz B., Rio Marques L., Zoni S., Gueniat C., Rapin J., et al. (2017). Impact of a nurse led telephone intervention on satisfaction and health outcomes of children with inflammatory rheumatic diseases and their families: a crossover randomized clinical trial. BMC Pediatrics,17(168):1-10. |
Grandjean, C., Latour, J. M., Cotting, J., Fazan, M. C., Leteurtre, S., & Ramelet, A. S. (2017). Measurement of parent satisfaction in the paediatric intensive care unit - Translation, cultural adaptation and psychometric equivalence for the French-speaking version of the EMPATHIC-65 questionnaire. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 38, 40-45. |
De Goumoens V., Décaillet F., Didier A., Montreuil C., Diserens K., Ramelet A. S. (2017). Processus d'implantation d'une échelle d'évaluation de la douleur pour les patients cérébrolésés: description d'un projet de changement de pratique clinique basé sur le modèle intégré de la consultation, Recherche en soins infirmiers, (N°28), 79-91. |
Aveni, E., Bauer, B., Ramelet, A. S., Decosterd, I., Ballabeni, P., Bonvin, E., & Rodondi, P. Y. (2017). Healthcare professionals' sources of knowledge of complementary medicine in an academic center. PloS One, 12(9). |
Piguet, C., Barrense-Dias, Y., Ramelet, A. S., & Suris, J. C. (2017). Monitoring screen use: a qualitative exploration of family strategies in Swiss homes. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health. |
Non peer reviewed 2019
Marfurt-Russenberger, K., Wenger Lanz, B., & Herzog, S. (2019). Wirksam gegen Angst und Schmerz. Nicht-medikamentöse Interventionen (NMI) bei (potentiell) schmerzhaften Prozeduren bei Kindern. Krankenpflege, 7, 12 - 15.
Non peer reviewed 2017
Waldboth, V. (2015). Erwachsenwerden mit einer neuromuskulären Erkrankung. Info Muskelgesellschaft 3(12). |
De Geest S, Ramelet A.S., Fierz K, Simon M, Nicca D, Eicher M, et al. (2016). Development and implementation of nursing science at Swiss Universities (University of Basel, University of Lausanne). VSH-Bulletin, 2:27-34. |
Waldboth, V. (2017). Erwachsenwerden mit einer Muskelerkrankung - Ergebnisse. Info Muskelgesellschaft 1(17). |
Zimmermann, K., & Bergsträsser, E. (2017). Wenn Kinder an Krebs sterben: Positive Erfahrungen betroffener Eltern - ist somit alles gut? Onkologiepflege / Soins en oncologie / Cure oncologiche, 2017(2), 45-46. |
Bergsträsser, E., Zimmermann, K., Marfurt, K., Eskola, K., Luck, P., Ramelet, AS., Fahrni-Nater, P., Cignacco, E. (2017) Paediatric End-of-Life Care Needs in Switzerland (PELICAN Studie 2012-2015). Paediatrica, 28 (3):32. |
Waldboth, V. Suter-Riederer, S., Föhn, M.,Schneiter, R., Imhof, L. (2017). Türoffner für gute Pflege. Die Schwester Der Pfleger, 56(11), 42-44. |
Ramelet A.S. Looking back at the 3rd International Multidisciplinary Paediatric & Neonatal Acute and Critical Care (IMPNACC) Research School, Rome, Italy WFPICCS Newsleter. 2017 Dec. |
De Geest S, Ramelet AS, Fierz K, Simon M, Nicca D, Eicher M, et al. Development and implementation of nursing science at Swiss Universities (University of Basel, University of Lausanne). VSH-Bulletin. 2016;no2:27-34. |
Schütz Hämmerli, N., Cignacco, E. (2017). Entlassung aus der Klinik: Gemeinsam den Übergang gestalten. Deutsche Hebammenzeitschrift, 69(12), 48–53. |
Schütz Hämmerli, N., Cignacco, E. (2017). Vom Brutkasten nach Hause., 17(12), 18-21. |