Updates committees and office
Meeting of the AS presidents for a semi-annual exchange with the board
We brought ourselves up to date on current political issues. Of particular importance to us are the current developments in connection with the legal establishment of Advanced Practice Nurses (APN). The VfP-apsi is represented on the relevant sounding boards of the FOPH. A catalog of services and the possibilities for billing corresponding services are currently being discussed. Isabelle Mathier contributes her expertise to a small working group, in which mainly APNs are represented. Peter Wolfensberger is a member of the higher-level committee, and Sabine Hahn will be present at the next, probably last, meeting in this process. We believe that APNs should be able to bill their services independently and autonomously, regardless of the setting, taking into account the previously defined competency framework and the corresponding tasks. The extraordinarily tight schedule set by the FOPH for such processes does not allow for a broader consultation, which is rightly criticized by the presidents present.
We also shared our experiences in managing AS and discussed common topics that would be of interest to our members in short training sessions. This is another project that we would like to tackle in the future to enable our members to expand their knowledge of current topics together.
Unlocking the potential of women in science and research
Despite their increasing presence in higher education, women are still underrepresented in the global research workforce. In the field of innovation, the gender gap is even more pronounced. The Observatory on Research and Innovation Careers highlights the need to create a more inclusive and sustainable R&I ecosystem.
Read more: Articles and further studies Unlocking the potential of women in science and research from the current OECD Newsletter.
Digital Health
Summary of the study by Carole Délétroz, Claudia Siebenhaar and Eleonora Berisha
Digitalization offers many opportunities for nursing, but also poses challenges. The Swiss Association for Nursing Science (VFP) founded a commission to strengthen nursing care in the digital transformation. One example is the Gerisana® Smart Pillbox, which supports the taking of medication and informs relatives or nursing staff in the event of errors. The involvement of care professionals in the development of such technologies is crucial in order to create practical and safe solutions for holistic care.
Overall, the article shows that digital technologies can enrich care - provided that care professionals are actively involved in the development and implementation to ensure safe, holistic and evidence-based care
Download the full study "Digital transformation in care" as a PDF.
Member invoices and website
After the launch of the new system landscape, we are tackling the next milestone – sending the membership invoice. We will send this shortly. Please note:
- You will receive the invoice by e-mail to the address we have on file.
- If the invoice does not appear in your inbox, please also check the spam folder and, if necessary, the e-mail address stored in the member portal.
- Please change your address directly in the member portal. If you have any queries or corrections to the current invoice, please contact us at info@vfp-apsi.ch - We will be happy to help you.
Due to the reorganization of the website, individual errors may have found their way into it. If you notice any non-functioning links or display problems, we would be grateful if you would kindly notify us. info@vfp-apsi.ch. We fix this step by step.
Calls and announcements
Loneliness in old age
The collection "Loneliness in old age" contains current findings on loneliness in old age, as well as projects and initiatives to better integrate older people into society. To the collection prevention.ch.
Advanced Practice Summer School
From Individual Roles to Model of Care - The Advanced Practice Summer School empowers advanced practitioners and nurse leaders to explore their clinical leadership skills and promote the development of new advanced nursing roles and clinical practice: Advanced Practice Summer School | Berne University of Applied Sciences
World Delirium Day survey - Successful management of delirium - your experience counts!
On the occasion of World Delirium Day on March 12, 2025, we invite you as a healthcare professional (all professions and all settings) to participate in an international study. The aim of the survey is to identify effective strategies for dealing with patients with delirium and to provide practical support for professionals.
Have you already accompanied and cared for a patient with delirium in your everyday work? Which measures were particularly helpful? To the survey (approx. 300 words, open until April 23, 2025, available in 11 languages).
With just 300 words, you can help to improve the management of delirium in the long term! The study is open from March 12 to April 23, 2025. Multiple submissions and in a total of 11 languages are possible at any time. Do not use names or identifying characteristics when describing the situation.
Thank you very much for your valuable support, your study team: Rebecca von Haken, Heidi Lindroth, Keibun Liu, Peter Nydahl, Sibylle Fischbacher, Marie-Madlen Jeitziner & the WDAD Study Group
Further information and literature
Publications and summaries of national conferences
Review of the 2nd interprofessional conference "Geriatric Psychiatry in Practice" on the topic of "Successful cooperation in the healthcare system" on 04.03.2025 in the University Psychiatric Services Bern
The event highlighted the opportunities and challenges of interprofessional collaboration in geriatric psychiatry and discussed practical strategies for successful cooperation. In the keynote speeches, Dr. Michael Deppeler (GP) discussed integrated care from a GP's perspective and Dr. Kaspar Küng (KCARE) the role of family caregivers. In addition to these keynote speeches, the conference offered interactive workshops on topics such as motivation, conducting conversations and dealing with dementia in the home environment (Dr. phil. Angela Schnelli (Spitex/Alzheimer SG/AI/AR, AfG Spitex). In the panel discussion, the work of the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner was highlighted and promoters and hurdles in cooperation with the psychiatric service were examined. Initial information on the conference in 2026 can be found here Advance notice of third conference "Interprofessional geriatric psychiatry in practice" - UPD Bern
Events Partners / Network
"Perlen der Langzeitpflege - verborgene Potenziale enthüllen"
Mai-Anlass 2025 des Institutes für Gesundheitswissenschaften der OST
OST - Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences
Der diesjährige Mai-Anlass des Instituts für Gesundheitswissenschaften der OST – Ostschweizer Fachhochschule (IGW-OST, ehemals IPW) steht im Zeichen der Langzeitpflege. Sie beleuchtet unter dem Motto „Perlen der Langzeitpflege – verborgene Potenziale enthüllen“ ein Thema, das in unserer alternden Gesellschaft zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnt.
"SSC/SSCS Annual Meeting 2025
Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kardiologie (SGK) und der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Herz- und thorakale Gefässchirurgie (SGHC)
Convention Center Zurich
Der Jahreskongress des SSC und SSCS bringt Fachpersonen aus allen Sprachregionen, aller Arbeits- und Interessensgruppen, aus Praxis, Spitälern, Industrie, sowie mit mehr oder weniger Erfahrung, die in der Schweiz im Gebiet der Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen tätig sind, zusammen. Die Gestaltung folgt den Prinzipien (Wissens-)Austausch, Einbezug, Zugehörigkeit, Zusammentreffen.
Link zur Website
Anmeldung (Early Bird Deadline: 08.04.2025, 23:59 Uhr)
Integration requires transformation
Nationales Symposium Integrierte Versorgung
Eventforum Bern
Transformation stands for comprehensive change. In order to work in an integrated way in the healthcare sector, comprehensive change is needed. We are talking about transformation on various levels:
- Die systemische Transformation des Gesundheitswesens
- Die Team-Ebene
Link zur Website
Anmeldung (Bei Anmeldung bis Ende März: 10 % Reduktion auf den vollen Tarif)
«Regulierung und Innovation im Gesundheitssystem: eine globale und nationale Perspektive»
Swiss Governance Forum 2025
University of Bern, UniS, Bern
Es erwarten Sie spannende Vorträge und Diskussionen mit einer hochkarätigen Besetzung. Die Halbtagesveranstaltung beleuchtet zwei zentrale Themen:
- Die Rolle der Forschung bei nationalen und internationalen Regulierungsentscheidungen
- Systeminnovationen im hochregulierten Gesundheitswesen
Mental health and well-being: Investing in mental prosperity
Netzwerktagung Psychische Gesundheit Schweiz
USI/SUPSI East Campus, Lugano-Viganello
Fachleute aus der psychischen Gesundheit und Gesundheitsforschung kommen zusammen, um inspirierende Diskussionen zu führen und neue Denkanstösse zu geben. Diese Konferenz soll als eine Plattform an der Schnittstelle zwischen öffentlicher und psychischer Gesundheit schaffen. Sie findet zusammen mit der Swiss Public Health Tagung statt.
«Psyche, Mensch, Gehirn - die Psychiatrie im Zentrum»
SGPP Kongress
Congress Center Basel
In September 2025, experts in Swiss psychiatry and psychotherapy will meet in Basel to exchange ideas on the main topic “Psyche, Human, Brain - the focus is on psychiatry”.
Events Germany-Austria-Switzerland
«Ist das relevant oder kann das weg?» - Theorie Gebrauch und -entwicklung in der qualitativen Pflegeforschung
QuPuG:SSC (Summer School)
University of Vienna, Vienna (AT)
The QuPuG SSc offers collaborative workshops on the application of methods in specific research projects. Participants are cordially invited to bring in concerns from their own research projects and to work on their own data extracts in moderated groups. There is a choice of workshops for more descriptive or more interpretative methods.
«Prozesse und Ergebnisse der personzentrierten Demenzforschung»
D-A-CH Symposium «Dementia Care Research»
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (DE)
There is the possibility to participate with a poster. Please submit your abstract by May 31, 2025.
There is no participation fee, only a fee for the dinner.
Link zur Website
Registration by 01.09.25 to igpw@uk-halle.de
Österreichischer Pflegekongress25
Austria Center Vienna, Vienna (AT)
The organizers are thus focusing on the cornerstones of high-quality care: trust as the basis of the relationship, safety as an essential component of every care act and the importance of a strong, positive relationship between carers and patients
«Wundbehandlung - innovativ, wissenschaftlich und sozial»
08. Nuremberg Wound Congress
Meistersingerhalle, Nuremberg (DE)
Look forward to lectures, seminars and workshops by renowned speakers from Germany.