Portrait AFG Care Economics


In recent decades, economic aspects have become increasingly important in Healthcare system have become increasingly important. Since 1994, the Federal Health Insurance Act has included the terms effectiveness Effectiveness, appropriateness and economic efficiency as prerequisites for the For the assumption of costs for services by the compulsory health Health insurance. Nurses in managerial positions are therefore increasingly challenged. They not only take responsibility for the effectiveness Effectiveness and quality of services, but also for the efficiency of service provision.

General declaration AFG Nursing Economics

We consider economics as a scientific discipline and as a social factor influencing health states of individuals and groups, as well as nursing practice and nursing science. We understand nursing in this context as professional activities to promote, restore and maintain the health of individuals by focusing on the individual and social context. Nursing economics is for us an evolving scientific field in the production of knowledge related to the effectiveness of current and future health services and their efficient distribution and utilization.


A large number of indicators for measuring care-sensitive outcomes are available in the care sector. Most of these indicators do not have a valid scientific basis and are also used in different ways. The discipline of nursing science continues to grapple with the question of which care-sensitive outcomes can be defined and measured and how. Therefore, our goal is to identify and monitor key indicators of quality of care and quality of care in a practicable format, which we hope will have a positive impact on health outcomes.

Nursing economics refers to the "real world" and we strive to make these realities more transparent and thus accessible for academic, professional and social reflection. This should improve the provision of nursing care in all care settings across nursing time horizons.


Our primary goal is to promote the production of knowledge and the application of this knowledge of nursing economics in nursing practice and science. As a nursing economics society, we aim to become a national leader in this field over time and to become a reference point for the interface between health, economics and nursing.  


The focus of our thoughts and actions is the meta-perspective (society), without neglecting the meso or micro-perspectives. This mission cannot be achieved by a single group. That is why we have focused on networking within the nursing profession from the outset. Shared goals and programs and community-building activities are part of the culture we want to promote. This culture is to be based on a culture of discussion, shared learning, and continuous improvement, including the creation of alternatives to the status quo.


The intended products of the Academic Society for Nursing Economics include articles, studies, webinars, workshops, position papers and conferences, which we aim to create through our activities and processes. This text will guide us in our strategic thinking and support us in our decision-making processes in our field.