AFG members and associates
Co-Presidium | ||
Bana Marika | PhD, MScN | Winterthur |
Hellberg-Naegele Matthias | MScN | St. Gallen |
Koller Antje | PhD, MScN | St. Gallen |
Ordinary members | ||
Monica Bianchi | PhD, MNS | Varese, Italy |
Eicher Manuela | Pr. Dr.rer.medic, MScN | Marly, Fribourg |
Fliedner Monica | MSN | Bern |
Geese Franziska | MScN | Bern |
Gehrig Larissa | MScN | Zurich |
Häusermann Sara | MSc Palliative Care, MAS Oncol. Nursing | Winterthur |
Jähnke Anke | Dr. rer. cur., M.A., MPH | Zurich |
Jolliet Laura | MSc | Lausanne |
Katapodi Maria C. | Prof. PhD, MSc | Basel |
Kesseli Miriam | MScN | St.Gallen |
Kohler Sara | MScN | Rheinfelden |
Koller Antje | PhD, MScN | St. Gallen |
Kropf-Staub Susanne | MScN | Münchenbuchsee |
Mathis-Jäggi Franziska | MNS | Uster |
Müller-Fröhlich Christa | MSN | Bolt - BRD |
Sebastian Probst | DClinPrac, MSN | Brissago |
Rieder Evelyn | MSN | Bachenbülach |
Schmidt Franziska | MSN, cand. PhD | Bern |
Serena Andrea | PhD, MScN | Lausanne |
Natacha Szüts | MScN | Fribourg |
Valcarenghi Dario | MNS | Montano Lucino, Italy |
Valenta Sabine | MScN, cand. PhD | Basel |
Zumstein-Shaha Maya | PhD, MNS | Lausanne |
Associated | ||
Catherine Bürgi | ||
Köck Sabine | ||
Pedrazzani Carla |
Short portraits of some AFG members

Bana Marika (Co-President)
- Associate Professor FH at the Fribourg School of Health (HEdS-FR)
- Managing Director of the Swiss Association for the Promotion of Self-Management VFSM
- Expertise: Symptom self-management, patient education

Hellberg-Naegele Matthias (Co-President)
- Nursing expert APN oncology/hematology
Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen - Expertise:
Multiple myeloma
Safe handling of cytostatics
Symptom management
Cellular therapies

Koller Antje (Co-President)
- Project manager
Institute for Applied Nursing Science IPW-FHO
University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland - Expertise:
Counseling for cancer-related pain
Chemotherapy-associated nausea
Implementation research

Eicher Manuela
- Associate Professor
Institut Universitaire de Formation et de Recherche en Soins, University of Lausanne / Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois - Expertise:
Advanced Nursing Practice in der Onkologie, Symptommanagement, Supportive Care

Fliedner Monica
- Co-Head of the Palliative Care Center
Inselspital, Bern University Hospital

Geese Franziska
- Research assistant at Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH
- Expertise:
Psycho-oncological care
Prostate Cancer, Uroglogy
Inter-professional Collaboration
Evidence-based Patient Information
Qualitative Research

Gehrig Larissa
- Head of Palliative Care
Spitex Zurich Sihl - Expertise:
Palliative Care

Häusermann Sara Ursula
- Lecturer, Head of Development & Pedagogy BSc Nursing
ZHAW - Expertise:
Palliative care
Supportive care
Project management

Jähnke Anke
- Lecturer at the Careum School of Health, Zurich
- Nursing expert APN Hematology / Oncology, Robert Bosch Hospital, Stuttgart (D)
- Expertise: Supportive care in hematology, family caregivers, health promotion

Katapodi Maria C.
- Professor of Nursing Science, Department of Clinical Research, University of Basel
- Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Michigan School of Nursing
- Expertise:
Cancer prevention and control
Cancer genetics
Personalized behavioral interventions

Kesseli Miriam
- Certified oncology nurse
St.Gallen Cantonal Hospital - Expertise:
Oncology, palliative care

Kohler Sara
- Head of Internal Medicine Nursing
Arlesheim Clinic - Head of MAS oncology nursing
ZHAW - Expertise:
Integrative care, oncology

Kropf-Staub Susanne
- Nursing expert in inpatient oncology Lindenhof Group
- Expertise:
Symptom and self-management (project management of the Symptom Navi © program)
Calgary Assessment (family-centered care) and Pictorial Representation of Illness and Self Measure (PRISM)

Mathis-Jäggi Franziska
- Head of Education & Development
Nursing Service;
Focal Point Hospital Uster

Sebastian Probst
- Professor of Wounds and Healing Haute école de santé ▪ HES-SO Genève
- Expertise:
chronic and palliative/oncological wounds chronische und palliative/onkologische Wunden

Rieder Evelyn
- Lecturer, Bachelor's course in Nursing and Research and Development Associate, Department of Health
Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW), Winterthur - Expertise:
Management of tumor and therapy-induced symptoms, geronto-oncological care - chronic diseases, adherence and safety with oral medication administration, clinical assessment, palliative care

Schmidt Franziska
- Assistante universitaire und Doktorandin
Institut universitaire de formation et de recherche en soins - IUFRS, Faculté de biologie et de médecine - FBM,
UNIL | Université de Lausanne, CHUV | Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois - Expertise:
Self-management (Nachsorge und Survivorship)

Serena Andrea
- Staff Nurse in oncological department
CHUV Lausanne - Research Assistant
School of Health of Fribourg - Medical Directorate
University Hospital Center of Lausanne - Expertise:
Lung Cancer Symptom Management, Advanced Nursing Practice

Natacha Szüts
- Scientific collaborator
University of Fribourg - Expertise:
symptom management, nursing consultation, oncogeriatrics

Valenta Sabine
- Research assistant and doctoral student:
University of Basel, Dept. of Public Health, Nursing Science (INS) - Direct clinical nursing practice: University Hospital, Clinic for Hematology and Oncology
- Expertise:
Symptom & self-management in patients with cancer (hematology and oncology), pain therapy, palliative care

Zumstein-Shaha Maya
- Professor:
Bern University of Applied Sciences, Department of Health, Division of Nursing - Expertise:
Development of new roles for nurses (i.e., APN), psychosocial wellbeing in patients with cancer and development of the theory of "The Omnipresence of Cancer", including issues of spirituality and ethics; nursing theory; research methods