Afg contributors

Monica Bianchi, PhD Nursing Sciences, EMBA

Professionelle Rolle (2022)

Professor of Interprofessional Education and Social Health Practice, Head of Master's Program in Nursing Sciences

Clinical expertise / scientific focus

Interprofessional education and practice, leadership & management

Motivation for involvement in the Academic Society of Nursing Economics

Economic factors are becoming increasingly important for nurses and other healthcare providers. We are confronted daily with the concepts of effectiveness, appropriateness and efficiency in the various areas of care. In my opinion, it is essential to have an academic society in nursing economics that guides nurses to analyze, implement and promote the best possible nursing economic practice. 

Katja Bohner, MNSc, Fachexpertin Intensivpflege; Präsidentin AFG Pflegeökonomie

Professionelle Rolle (2022)

Intensive care specialist, self-employed

Clinical expertise / scientific focus

APN (Advanced Practice Nursing), transitions and their impact on health, electronic health dossier, theory development in nursing, (nursing) classifications

Motivation for involvement in the Academic Society of Nursing Economics

The healthcare system is a market with specific characteristics. A wide variety of needs must be met with limited public funds, which leads to distribution issues. Overuse and underuse are often used as buzzwords. However, if overuse or underuse is to be recognized, described, analyzed and corrected by the nursing profession, it must also be possible to adopt an economic perspective with regard to the distribution of resources and health conditions in the various nursing areas, in my opinion at all levels. In my view, the AFG Care Economics is an opportunity to develop and establish an appropriate transversal language of care economics within the profession and to approach economic debates from a nursing science and care economics perspective.

Samuel Hug, Head of Care Controlling

Professionelle Rolle (2022)

Pflegecontrolling, stud. MSc. in Nursing CHG

Clinical expertise / scientific focus

Organizational resilience, clinical leadership, value-oriented care

Motivation for involvement in the Academic Society of Nursing Economics

The pandemic has clearly shown us that nursing work is systemically relevant in healthcare. With my involvement in the AFG Care Economics, I would like to contribute to making the social benefits of professional nursing work more visible to decision-makers in healthcare institutions and politics from an economic and nursing science perspective. Through networking, collaboration and co-creation in the AFG, we can jointly strengthen our potential in this area of care.

Stefan Kunz, PhD in Public Management

Professionelle Rolle (2022)

Private lecturer, researcher

Clinical expertise / scientific focus

Evidence-based practice, quality measurement and skills development (stress management) in healthcare

Motivation for involvement in the Academic Society of Nursing Economics

Economic influences have become increasingly important in the healthcare sector in recent decades. Nurses in management positions are increasingly required to demonstrate responsibility not only for the quality of the service, but also for its efficiency. I therefore greatly appreciate the opportunity to exchange ideas on these important topics with nursing experts and nursing scientists. At a national level - without specific reference to institutions or nursing areas. This collaboration and exchange enriches and supports my work as a lecturer and researcher at SUPSI.

Cédric Mabire, PhD in Nursing Sciences, Master in Economics

Professionelle Rolle (2024)

Associate Professor at the Institute for University Education and Research in Nursing (IUFRS). Vice-Director of Education at the IUFRS, University of Lausanne

Clinical expertise / scientific focus

My research focuses on the prevention of serious adverse events during hospitalization of the elderly. I developed the "CHUV, a hospital adapted to the needs of the elderly" program, which is supported by the French cantons as part of the Aging 2023 program. I am also developing clinical decision-making programs in collaboration with the EPFL, based on artificial intelligence, to predict complications from hospital admissions of the elderly  

I am also developing research projects for transitional care for older people between hospital and home care with a focus on implementing Advanced Practice Nursing roles in home care.

Motivation for involvement in the Academic Society of Nursing Economics

Participation in the AFG Nursing Economics is linked to an interest in evaluating the Advanced Practice role in home care and developing a model for funding the activities of APNs in home care.

Anna Maria Peschak, MNSc

Professionelle Rolle (2022)

Quality management

Clinical expertise / scientific focus

Specialized in nursing process, patient safety and ethics

Motivation for involvement in the Academic Society of Nursing Economics

It is said time and again: care is essential. But how much should care cost? How is the value of care measured? Who provides care, who is cared for and who pays for it? These are just a few of the questions that I would like to discuss in this academic society and could help to develop possible solutions, at least at the pilot level.

Michael Simon, PhD Nursing Sciences, FEANS

Professionelle Rolle (2022)

Professor of Nursing Science

Clinical expertise / scientific focus

Care research, quality of care, patient safety, warning and reporting systems for serious incidents, care keys

Motivation for involvement in the Academic Society of Nursing Economics

Providing the right care at the right time with the right resources is an ongoing challenge for nursing staff. Care economics has so far mainly been studied from the outside. I hope that the AFG Care Economics will support the exchange between members in order to develop and expand nursing science expertise in this area.

Angela Tolotti, MScN

Professionelle Rolle (2022)

Head of nursing research at the IOSIS Oncology Institute

Clinical expertise / scientific focus

Intensive care, patient participation, qualitative research

Motivation for involvement in the Academic Society for Nursing Economics

I am convinced that the development of care economics is necessary for the development of care quality. In my opinion, knowledge development in care economics can lead to useful tools for care managers to support organizational decisions that create the best conditions for practicing nurses to make the best use of their professionalism and skills. 

Sibylle Fischbacher, MNSc

Fritz Frauenfelder, PhD Nursing Science

Gerhard Kalbermatten, MNSc

Verdiana Silano, MNSc

Prof. Loris Bonetti

Sarah, Holzer, MNSc

Co-Presidents Katja Bohner and Stefan Kunz were elected at the first meeting in October 2021. As agreed at that time, the co-presidency passed from Stefan Kunz to Anna-Barbara Schlüer in March 2022. If you would like to become a member of our AFG, click hereto register.