Photo: Kinderspital Zürich/Barbora Prekopova
The Swiss Association for Nursing Science (VFP) promotes nursing research in practice and at universities, among other things by networking scientists and students. The VFP also provides an important framework with its Academic societies. We deliver with the Swiss Research Agenda for Nursing SRAN and the Swiss Nursing Research Overview a useful contribution to the initiative and the implementation of research projects.
Swiss Research Agenda for Nursing 2019-2029
SRAN-Video Deutsch - Christian Burr
SRAN-Video Français - Prof. Dr Véronique de Goumoëns
SRAN-Video English - Nicole Zigan, MNS; Prof. Dr. Dunja Nicca
SRAN-Video Italiano - Dr. Colette Balice
SRAN 2019-2029 (short version) - Deutsch
SRAN 2019-2029 (short version) - English
SRAN 2019-2029 (short version) - English
SRAN 2019-2029 (short version) - Italiano
SRAN 2019-2029 (long version) - English
Poster SRAN 2019-2029 - English
Slides SRAN 2019-2029 - Englisch
History of the SRAN
SRAN Phase I
In 2005, the Swiss Association for Nursing Science VFP initiated the project Swiss Research Agenda for Nursing SRAN. The aim of SRAN Phase I was to develop an action plan to promote nursing research in Switzerland. This had seven key areas of focus:
- Effect of nursing measures
- Adapting services to a changing healthcare system
- Identification of care-relevant phenomena
- Influence of the working environment on the quality of care
- Functioning of family systems and social networks
- Integration of the diversity of individual life circumstances
- Implementation of ethical principles in nursing care
This phase was documented in a scientific article
In order for SRAN to have a pioneering effect on nursing practice, training, research and policy as well as nursing management in Switzerland, a second project phase was required with the aim of making SRAN widely known in Switzerland and supporting research projects in the spirit of SRAN. Two immediate objectives were pursued:
- The SRAN is known to important players in the Swiss context of nursing and nursing science.
- The research projects on the seven focal points of SRAN are supported and publicized.
Two long-term goals were also pursued:
- The SRAN is recognized and used nationally, cantonally and regionally as a decision-making basis for research positioning and project funding.
- The SRAN is known to the general public and thus contributes to the recognition of the professional and independent nursing profession.
The second phase was handled by three working groups.
Work on updating and further developing the SRAN with a focus on clinical nursing research began in 2016. As a first step, an electronic survey on SRAN adaptation was conducted in three languages and the results evaluated. Experts, primarily VFP members, then drew up the updated research agenda based on the survey results and the literature analysis.
The first version was widely discussed at an SRAN conference in October 2017. Three workshops were held on the topics of Models of Care, Work Environment and Nursing Sensitive Outcomes.
A second version was commented on by experts. The updated SRAN short version has been available in four languages (D, F, I, E) since 2019, based on a long version in English.
At the top of this page you will find the corresponding SRAN short reports.