VFP Publications
Personnel allocation: a new way of thinking
Personnel allocation: Discussion paper
a new way of thinking
The new Article 117b of the Federal Constitution requires that sufficient and high-quality care is accessible to all and that nursing staff have attractive working conditions. This requires new models for determining the appropriate staffing levels. Together with its professional associations, the VfP has developed a strategic thinking model (Logic Model), which is now being further developed in a scientific working group and with the involvement of stakeholders.
Care initiative
On November 28, 2021, Switzerland clearly approved the care initiative with 65% of votes in favour. The new Article 117b of the Federal Ordinance requires the Confederation and cantons to promote nursing care as an important component of healthcare. On the one hand, a training offensive, which has already been adopted by parliament as a counter-proposal to the initiative, is intended to train more nursing staff and allow certain services to be billed independently by nursing staff. On the other hand, the Confederation and the cantons in particular are also obliged to ensure better working conditions, sufficient nursing staff and appropriate remuneration for nursing services.
1st stage of the training offensive
Legal regulation on the training offensive of the federal government and cantons and on the billing of certain services provided by nursing professionals directly at the expense of social insurance. The legal regulations will come into force on July 1, 2024. With this training initiative, the federal government will make around half a billion francs available for training over the next 8 years if the cantons create the corresponding legal basis. These measures will contribute to the attractiveness of the nursing profession and are expected to lead to more nursing qualifications.
Statement_VFP_Execution_Ordinance_Care_final 231121
2nd stage: working conditions that meet requirements
On May 8, 2024, the Federal Council opened the consultation of the Federal Act on Working Conditions in line with Requirements and Better Career Development Opportunities and thus launched the implementation of the second stage of the care initiative.
- Preliminary draft of the Federal Act on Working Conditions in the Care Sector (BGAP). Read here more about the new BGAP.
- Preliminary draft revision of the Health Professions Act (GesBG). Read more about the Promotion of professional development and the revision of the GesBG.
The two bills are intended to create the legal basis that will lead to improved working conditions in the care sector, e.g. by introducing uniform regulations for more flexible duty rosters, regulating maximum working hours and higher wage supplements. In addition, the social partners are called upon to enter into talks to improve working conditions. Last but not least, career development opportunities are to be expanded, e.g. with re-entry programs. A program initiated by the BAG National monitoring of nursing staff will monitor progress. Cantons, healthcare institutions and care associations support these measures. It is up to the cantons, companies and social partners to implement appropriate measures quickly.
The VFP/APSI will submit a statement and include the academic societies and commissions in its response.
Training initiative
With the training initiative, the federal government will make around half a billion francs available for training over the next 8 years if the cantons create the corresponding legal basis. It consists of three parts:
- The cantons undertake to at least partially finance the costs of practical training in healthcare facilities. They receive financial support from the federal government.
- Trainee nurses receive training grants from their canton to cover their living expenses. The legal requirements for this are determined by the canton. The cantons receive financial support from the federal government.
- The Confederation increases the financial contributions to the UAS and, together with the cantons, to the UAS.
These measures are expected to lead to more nursing qualifications. Further information, in particular on the status of implementation in the cantons or on the national monitoring of nursing staff, can be found at:
Care initiative (SBK)
Implementation of constitutional article on care (GDK)
Training initiativeOdASanté (OdASanté)
Factsheet Care Initiative I (BAG)
Consultation documents BAG
Urgent appeal
In an urgent appeal, the SBK and the Swiss. Academy of Medical Sciences together with the Swiss Society for Intensive Care Medicine warn of a new wave of Covid and the likely triage and staff shortages that will result. They are demanding stricter measures from politicians and calling on the population to show more solidarity in complying with hygiene measures, reducing social contacts and improving vaccination rates
In this context, we also refer to an informative study by the Swiss Academies on the scientific response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It examines the role of science in coping with the pandemic, explores what was different in Switzerland compared to other countries and defines the need for action in the future. Click here for the publication here.
Illustration 'six students in time of pandemic
The rapid development of COVID-19 was a major challenge for students in the master's and doctoral programs at the IUFRS (University Institute for Education and Research in Nursing).
These nurses in training, who were also under great pressure in their day-to-day work, were confronted with questions and decisions that were sometimes serious. The IUFRS management team was aware of the impact on students and provided them with a platform to share their experiences right at the start of the pandemic.
Young artists, students or graduates of the Lausanne School of Fine Arts, have now translated their experiences into pictures. These illustrations allow the reader to see the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic from a different perspective. Under https://temoignagesillustres.ch/accueilfinden Sie die vom IUFRS erstellte Broschüre "six étudiantes en temps de pandémie". Congratulations!
The project was supported by the VFP, SBK and the Faculty of Biology and Medicine at UNIL.
Everyday nursing care
We refer you to the exciting Article by Carmen Karde. She is a nursing expert at the University Hospital Zurich and is jointly responsible for three intensive care units. She tells us how Covid-19 has changed the everyday lives of nursing staff - and what worried her even before the pandemic.
3 Questions - 3 Antworten
Nursing science represented in the Swiss National COVID-19 Science Task Force
We are delighted that three VFP members, Sonja Baumann and Eva Horvath (Clinical Care expert group) and Prof. Dr. Michael Simon (Public Health expert group), have joined the Swiss National COVID-19 Science Task Force are represented. We congratulate the experts on their appointment and thank them for their valuable work on the task force.
Practical examples to counteract the social isolation of older people
The lockdown in spring and the very strict protection regulations that have since been reintroduced, especially for older people in long-term institutions, are keeping us busy and moving. Under this Link to you will find a document in which the members of the Academic Gerontological Nursing Association have collected practical examples. These short descriptions show how the limited contact possibilities in spring 2020 were met. The aim is to pass on positive experiences from practice, learn from each other and share resources and ideas
COVID-19 Forum from a+
Das ;COVID-19 Forum of the Swiss Academies is a regular virtual event with the aim of fostering discussion and exchange between the general public, the authorities and scientists. The first part of the forum is dedicated to current issues. The second part focuses on a fundamental question that has either been defined in advance or has arisen from the discussion with the audience .
COVID-19: Think scientifically and act in solidarity - Open letter to politicians
With this open letter, the VFP is addressing politicians in Switzerland. The social emergency requires political leadership and respect for scientific and epidemiological findings. You are very welcome to forward the letter to those around you.
An appeal for long-term care and COVID-19
The corona pandemic has shown the high vulnerability of people in long-term care institutions. There has been a widespread loss of quality of life and deterioration in health. In an appeal, medical and care ethics experts point out an important area of tension: the authorities' duty to protect on the one hand, and the residents' right to self-determination and respect for their personality on the other. The appeal was published by the Schweizerische Ärztezeitung here published and also signed by numerous VFP members.
Swiss National COVID-19 Science Task Force
The Swiss National COVID-19 Science Task Force has been mandated by various federal agencies to act as a national scientific advisory body in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Find out more about this here.
3 questions - 3 answers with Prof. Dr. Dunja Nicca on COVID-19
VFP board member Prof. Dr. Dunja Nicca works as a nursing scientist at the Institute of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention at the University of Zurich, where she is a member of the Department of Public & Global Health in the field of communicable diseases. In the document below, she answers questions from VFP President Prof. Dr. Iren Bischofberger.
Triage decisions in intensive care units: an interim assessment
At the end of March, the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences and the Swiss Society of Intensive Care Medicine published guidelines for triage decisions in intensive care units in connection with the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). Fortunately, the situation in Switzerland has not yet deteriorated to such an extent that the guidelines have been applied. Nevertheless, they are being discussed intensively - also in public. You can find a summary here here read.
NFP 78 "Covid-19"
The Swiss National Science Foundation is launching the National Research Program "Covid-19" (NRP 78) on behalf of the Federal Council. The aim is to develop health recommendations and innovative solutions to combat Covid-19 (coronavirus disease 2019). You can find information here.
We have received various requests from VFP members on how to bundle and disseminate the numerous topics related to COVID-19 and its impact on the professional life of MScN graduates and nurses in general. We have therefore set up an easy-to-use wiki system for peer support for the four work areas "Clinical Practice", "Higher Education", "Management" and "Research". MScN graduates are cordially invited to submit their inputs under these Link to to be entered.
Message of greeting from Sr. Dr. h.c. Liliane Juchli
Sr. Dr. h.c. Liliane Juchli has sent an Easter message to all carers who are directly or indirectly affected by the coronavirus pandemic. You can download the message herelisten.
Recommendation on foundation involvement in times of the coronavirus crisis
SwissFoundations encourages all Swiss grant-making foundations to respond unbureaucratically, quickly and flexibly to the needs of beneficiaries and to follow this recommendation, see also here. Researching VFP members in particular can refer to this document if required.
CIRRNET - Reporting platform open to all institutions
Overcoming the COVID-19 crisis poses new challenges for all employees and institutions in the healthcare sector. The Swiss Patient Safety Foundation has therefore decided to develop the Meldeportal CIRRNET open to all institutions until further notice. The aim is to create a platform that can be used throughout Switzerland to collect as much information as possible on how to deal with the crisis and pass it on to specialist groups. CIRRS reports can be submitted via this Link to can be entered. Existing institutional members of CIRRNET can continue to forward their reports in the usual way.
Ticino hospital in the fight against the coronavirus
The SRF DOK shows very impressively how nursing staff, together with other healthcare professions, are coping with the coronavirus situation. Humanity paired with professional competence and team spirit are key values in this crisis. You can find the program at: SRF DOK Ticino hospital.
Intensive care: triage in the event of bottlenecks
Intensive care measures are very stressful for everyone involved in a COVID-19 disease. For this reason, on March 20, 2020, the Swiss Society of Intensive Care Medicine, together with the SAMS, added an appendix to the existing guideline "Intensive Care Measures" from 2013 (see pdf). This new appendix provides intensive care units with instructions for triage and how these can be discussed interprofessionally and implemented with professional ethics. You can find all documents here.
"Priority is given to whoever has the better chance of survival"
SAMS President Daniel Scheidegger, himself an intensive care physician and also a VFP patronage member, talks about the challenges in intensive care units during a pandemic in an interview with the Tages-Anzeiger newspaper on March 18, 2020.
Interview with SAMS President Daniel Scheidegger
Virtual care for relatives in the intensive care unit
Nursing and medical staff at Geneva University Hospital offer virtual contact for relatives who are not allowed to visit the IPS. This shows a SRF Tagesschau report from 21.3.2020.
VFP members in the media
Podcast on collaboration between pastoral care and nursing
Chaplain Valeria Hengartner accompanied Sabine Hiller and Lukas Weibel (Co-President AFG Cardiology Nursing) during the first Covid-19 wave. At the time, the two were in charge of the Corona Intensive Care Unit at Basel University Hospital. In this exciting Podcast on the subject of pastoral care and nursing they report on how their everyday lives have changed in a state of emergency and what questions they have been confronted with.
COVID-19 experience report by VFP patronage committee member Barbara Schmid-Federer
Barbara Schmid-Federer, former National Councillor and member of our patronage committee, describes in a Field report her own experiences with the corona disease in an impressive way.
Show "Care - between frustration and passion"
We would like to draw your attention to the impressive DOK program from French-speaking Switzerland "Care - between frustration and passion" from April 1, 2020 on SRF. Among others, VFP member Anne-Laure Thévoz has her say.
Ursi Barandun Schäfer in the SRF Club "Corona - An der Front"
Ursi Barandun Schäfer, MScN nursing expert at the intensive care unit of Basel University Hospital and VFP member, took part in the SRF Club last Tuesday. You can see her committed comments here.
Andrea Käppeli-Fluder on self-quarantine in the pulse
In the SRF program Puls on March 9, 2020, VFP member Andrea Käppeli-Fluder on the topic of coronavirus. She pointed out that unspectacular prevention measures are particularly important at the moment, but that discipline is needed to adhere to them consistently Andrea Käppeli-Fluder on the SRF program Puls.
Informationsplattformen Covid-19
Collected COVID-19 information on the HESAV website
The HESAV University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland is now bundling Covid-19 information on the following website: "Resources for professionals and care facilities". This important work gives FH members easier access to recommendations for professionals working with Covid-19 positive people. The information is regularly updated according to its evolution;
Specific information for health professionals from the FOPH
Health professionals will find the latest information from the Federal Office of Public Health including FAQ here.
Specific information for healthcare professionals from Swissnoso
Health professionals can find the latest information from Swissnoso here.
Information for freelance care professionals
Freelance care professionals will find the latest information from curacasa here.
Recommendations from palliative.ch
You can find current recommendations from palliative.ch here.
Expert report
In 2015, the VFP published an expert report on the area of responsibility of nursing care.
25 years of VFP
Congratulations - 25 years of VFP!
On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the association, the VFP has realized a film project: 25 people ask 25 personal questions about nursing science or the VFP, 25 exciting answers provide an insight into various current developments. We hope you enjoy watching! You can find the individual clips here.
20 years of VFP
You are welcome to access our anniversary publication here. If you are interested in a printed copy, please contact the office (only while stocks last). Click here to contact us.
Anniversary publication (680 KB)