Individual membership

With a membership, you support the concerns of the VfP in idealistic, practical and financial terms. It gives you access to an academic specialist society or commission.


  • Nursing professionals with training and further education up to Bachelor's degree level, 
  • Nurses with an academic education in nursing science or with an academic education of at least Master's/license level in other sciences 


  • Participation in a maximum of two academic professional societies and the associated development of their own professional network, professional support, further development of nursing science and the introduction of ideas at a political, scientific and work-related level. Bachelor graduates have the opportunity to participate in meetings of an AFG, but do not have the right to vote;
  • Mentoring program for people fresh out of university
  • Monthly newsletter with information from the VfP, its network, calendar of events and specialist articles
  • Actively participate in shaping the VFP by voting at the General Assembly 
  • Support with recruitment and publication of the doctorate as part of a research project

Annual membership fee:

  • With a Bachelor's degree: CHF 85 (no active participation in AFGs)
  • With Master's degree: CHF 240

Membership VFP

We look forward to your registration.

Support the Swiss Association for Nursing Science.